Technical watch of the week [24]


Here's my first technical watch of the week, I hope you find something to get your teeth into!

News and Updates

🌟 Time for Reddit's alternatives/clones to shine.

Featured Article

πŸ– Here are a few articles on a French bill on smartphone surveillance.

Tool/Technology Spotlight

Setting up a project from scratch takes time, so if you happen to bootstrap a lot of small projects, take a look at this beautiful Next.Js boilerplate.

πŸ•ΈοΈ For scrapping addicts, an interesting tool "designed to gather text on the Web", thanks to korben for his article on it. I'm thinking of using it to summarize content of pages with AI.

Tutorials and Guides

A rust course has just been published by the freecodecamp youtube channel, which is really great for those who want to get started ! (for beginners)


This is my first article, thank you for reading me I'll try to improve the next ones and in particular to put in more resources and take notes on what I've read during the week to develop the subjects.

πŸ‘‹ See you next time!